Thursday, July 23, 2009

Whats been up?..Here's what :)

Baah..Been awfully busy with work, friends, family and academics..Not to mention good old motorcycles. Too tied up to explain what I've been doing for the past few months..I'll let the pics do the talking

Rongom Mukherji's 1998 Suzuki Shogun. Complete engine rebuild along with a good set of body work and cosmetics takes care of. Here's a few pics

Then along came these

Motor was in town..Happened to do a V force 3 banshee reed install on Vivek Jaysheel's bike and RZ reed valves on his own bike...Followed by a PWK28 upgrade and ofc...A ride to Lavasa

What a ride :)..Pune roads kick ass bigtime !

Took some time out and arranged my bedroom :)..The tools look much better now..Also an R15 front nose for the drag RX :)

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